
Matt crept through the doorway and flipped the light switch, lighting a third of the basement. Each step creaked and groaned, torturing his thoughts. He […]

  • Posted on: July 14, 2024
  • Categories: History

After several days of hard riding, the posse cornered the bandits that attempted to rob the bank at Northfield, Minnesota. Concealing themselves behind heavy brush […]

  • Posted on: October 14, 2023
  • Categories: History

A soldier can feel no greater frustration in combat than to lack equipment, support, or orders. That describes the condition of numerous German soldiers defending […]

  • Posted on: July 14, 2024
  • Categories: History

Watching in disbelief from the woods, the soldiers witnessed their company commander beat back waves of attacking Germans at Holtzwihr, France. He ordered them to […]

“The Bible said ‘Thou shalt not kill.’ That was so definite a child could understand it.”[1] Alvin York faced the greatest dilemma of his life […]

Prayers at the inauguration of presidents aren’t unusual, but they are when the newly sworn-in President issues them. Dwight D. “Ike” Eisenhower—former Supreme Commander in […]

  • Posted on: October 14, 2023
  • Categories: Theology

Introduction The book of Leviticus introduces the guidelines for the sacrificial system where the Israelite could come to the altar of the tent of meeting […]

  • Posted on: October 14, 2023
  • Categories: Theology

Introduction Defining faith would appear on the surface to be a simple task, but a cursory effort might result in a misleading or weak definition. […]

  • Posted on: October 14, 2023
  • Categories: History

Reading through the New Testament, the event of one crucifixion takes center stage. Why was the savior of the world killed in such a gruesome […]